Katie Sue Character for Daz's Stephanie Petit 3

From Poser and Daz Free Resources
Katie Sue Character for Daz's Stephanie Petit 3
Download Links
Main Site:https://web.archive.org/web/20080325174544/http://www.anat.creativedreamers.com:80/freestuff.htm (third row, left column)
Other Information
Creator:Anat Dayag
License:"By using this downloaded file, User agrees to abide by the following conditions of this agreement: The contents in this package remain the property of Anat Dayag (a.k.a A_). At no time are these works to be re-distributed or sold without written notification from the copyright holder. The user also understands and agrees to release the creator from any liability for damage or harm that may arise from the use of these files."
Needed:Stephanie Petite 3

Katie Sue Character for Daz's Stephanie Petit 3 is a face and body morph set, created by Anat Dayag for Stephanie Petite 3.

No textures are included in the download.