QuickSuit and Jacket Base for DAZ's Michael 1 or 2

From Poser and Daz Free Resources
QuickSuit and Jacket Base for DAZ's Michael 1 or 2
Download Links
Main Site:https://web.archive.org/web/20170511163438/http://www.morphography.uk.vu/dlquicksuits.html
Other Information
Creator:Thip , English Bob
License:"As far as I'm concerned, whatever you make with a QuickSuit is yours to do with as you wish: give it away, sell it, whatever you like. Credit is not required, nor is permission."
Needed:Michael 1-2
andany 3D content creation software

QuickSuit and Jacket Base for DAZ's Michael 1 or 2 is a set of starter meshes, created by Thip and English Bob to ease creation of wardrobe for Michael 1-2.